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- If looking for more in-depth courses check out TEACHER TRAINING or IMMERSIONS


Oplev Elektronisk Yoga Musik Live: En Rejse Mod Ro og Refleksion i en Bæredygtig Fremtid

 en tid hvor klodens tilstand kan skabe afmagt, inviterer vi dig til at finde din indre styrke og balance gennem en eksklusiv yoga-musikoplevelse.


D. 4/10 - 2024

TID: kl. 15:30-16:30

GRATIS kun 25 pladser

I dette intime telt, med plads til blot 25 deltagere, vil vi guide dig gennem Yoga Electronics– 50 minutters elektronisk musik, komponeret specifikt til yogaflow. Musikken er skabt i tæt samarbejde mellem yogi Maj Ingemann-Molden og producer/elektronisk musiker Vibeke Falden, som begge har base i Aalborg.


Fremført live i kunstværket vil Yoga Electronics tage dig med på en lydrejse gennem både rytmiske og ambiente passager, krydret med chanting.

Tilmeld dig her




YHAA 30% discount on membership for young people between 18-25 years and only DKK 99; in creation in relation to the campaign"Young & Strong". 


Yoga is for everyone regardless of height, width, previous experience and physique - so don't hesitate to sign up!


Skærmbillede 2024-09-20 kl. 10.19.18.png

Arcline Activation

STED: YOGA HUSET, Strandvejen 19, Lila 1 + 2

DATO: 13/10/2024

Kl. 10:15-12:15

Underviser: Aurora

På denne workshop får du redskaberne til dagligt at aktivere og styrke din personlige integritet, vision og beskyttelse, samt kunne løfte din energi og humør til højder du ikke troede mulige.


Arcline er din glorie, hvilken ofte er afbildet i gamle malerier af helgener, men du behøver ikke være helgen - alle har en. Arclinen er en bue af energi, der løber hen over toppen af hovedet fra øre til øre hos mænd og kvinder og fungerer som et usynligt indre skjold omkring dig. 

Din Arcline kan være tyk, meget stærk og skinnende eller den kan være virkelig tynd, mat og hullet, hvor tilstanden af din arcline dikterer din fysiske og følelsesmæssige tilstand.

Når din Arcline er svag, sker der ting mod dig, som ulykker og sygdom. Når den er stærk, er du beskyttet mod sygdom og negativitet, og du tiltrækker positive relationer og oplevelser ind i dit liv.


Skærmbillede 2024-06-17 kl. 13.14.44.png

Yin Immersion 20 hour Urban Retreat

- The Yin part of the Power yoga training 2023

We repeat the success and again offer the opportunity to participate in one of our 3 "Teacher Training Taster" weekends.

With our Yin modules, you have the opportunity to try out whether the yoga training is for you; and at the same time you get 20 hours of experience and immersion in the Yin energy, calmness and presence.

The lessons are always from 8-18, and to give a realistic experience of what this kind of intensity does to body and mind, we have created the opportunity for you to get a feel for what we offer and what is required. ​

Read more about Yin Immersion and our education here


Kom med til en kæmpe folkefest i klimaets navn. Aalborg Kommune er vært for den 10. europæiske konference for bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund. Samtidig bliver Kildeparken fyldt med grønne aktiviteter for alle.

Get a strong start to your yoga training withone 3-MONTH COURSE

Many have an ambition to start yoga - but there can be lots of stumbling blocks on the way. Maybe you're wondering if you want to be the only one on the team who can't reach your toes (NO), maybe you'd rather not train alone and maybe you just don't know where or how to get started.

After numerous requests, we have therefore created a course where you can get a safe introduction to the whole wonderful world of yoga in a spacious setting. A skilled and competent team guides you through so that you get a handle on the technique and the foundation.

We have put together a course with closed groups, so that everyone starts in the same place: With a desire to try yoga - without expectations and commitment. After each training session, you have the opportunity to receive tailored guidance from one of the skilled supervisors associated with the beginner's course: Charlotte, Natalia and Morten.


  • Access to weekly classes (minimum 12) in a closed forum, personal guidance and events

  • Welcome gift with exclusive 5-tour clip card for use in YOGA HUSET

  • Community and training partners

  • Access to a private FB group where you can share tips, recipes, inspiration and ask questions etc.

  • 10% in The Yoga Shop

  • Joint opening and closing event

  • Free registration if you subsequently join YOGA HUSET


  • The breath and how it can help you – not only for better and more efficient training, but also a long and healthy life

  • Which principles are important when we do the physical positions, how do you do them as best as possible, and how are the positions best adapted to the body, any defects and challenges you have with you

  • What is yoga, the philosophy behind the ancient holistic training

  • How to decide on a yoga schedule, what is Hot yoga and Hammock Yoga and what type of class is best for you

  • How to get the most out of your training, what gear, equipment and clothes you should get – and where you can skip

You get all this foronly DKK 1,289

New dates 2023

D. 22 August - 2 December

31 Dec. - 1. April SUNSHINEGT

11 April - 11 June SUNSHINEGT

22 August - 2 December


  • Saturdays 12:30-14:00 (Hot Yoga Basic/Aerial Hammock Yoga)

  • Tuesdays 16:30-18:00 (including programming/guidance)

  • Thursdays 19:30-21:00 (including programming/guidance)

It all takes place in YOGA HUSET, Strandvejen 19, and the first time there is of course a tour of the fantastic facilities. Before the start, you will receive thorough guidance on finding your way around, parking (bicycles and car), catering and clothing etc. Various equipment can be borrowed at the address.


REGISTRATION: Intro Course (Yoga for Dummies) | FOCUS Public information (

NB! This process follows the Danish Health Authority's new recommendations regarding strength training


Yin Immersion 20 hour Urban Retreat

- The Yin part of the Power yoga training 2023

Kom med til en kæmpe folkefest i klimaets navn. Aalborg Kommune er vært for den 10. europæiske konference for bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund. Samtidig bliver Kildeparken fyldt med grønne aktiviteter for alle.

We repeat the success and again offer the opportunity to participate in one of our 3 "Teacher Training Taster" weekends.

With our Yin modules, you have the opportunity to try out whether the yoga training is for you; and at the same time you get 20 hours of experience and immersion in the Yin energy, calmness and presence.

The lessons are always from 8-18, and to give a realistic experience of what this kind of intensity does to body and mind, we have created the opportunity for you to get a feel for what we offer and what is required. ​

Read more about Yin Immersion and our education here


Yin Immersion 20 hour Urban Retreat

- The Yin part of the Power yoga training 2023

We repeat the success and again offer the opportunity to participate in one of our 3 "Teacher Training Taster" weekends.

With our Yin modules, you have the opportunity to try out whether the yoga training is for you; and at the same time you get 20 hours of experience and immersion in the Yin energy, calmness and presence.

The lessons are always from 8-18, and to give a realistic experience of what this kind of intensity does to body and mind, we have created the opportunity for you to get a feel for what we offer and what is required. ​

Read more about Yin Immersion and our education here


Yin Immersion 20 hour Urban Retreat

- The Yin part of the Power yoga training 2023

We repeat the success and again offer the opportunity to participate in one of our 3 "Teacher Training Taster" weekends.

With our Yin modules, you have the opportunity to try out whether the yoga training is for you; and at the same time you get 20 hours of experience and immersion in the Yin energy, calmness and presence.

The lessons are always from 8-18, and to give a realistic experience of what this kind of intensity does to body and mind, we have created the opportunity for you to get a feel for what we offer and what is required. ​

Read more about Yin Immersion and our education here

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Get a strong start to your yoga training withone 3-MONTH COURSE

Many have an ambition to start yoga - but there can be lots of stumbling blocks on the way. Maybe you're wondering if you want to be the only one on the team who can't reach your toes (NO), maybe you'd rather not train alone and maybe you just don't know where or how to get started.

After numerous requests, we have therefore created a course where you can get a safe introduction to the whole wonderful world of yoga in a spacious setting. A skilled and competent team guides you through so that you get a handle on the technique and the foundation.

We have put together a course with closed groups, so that everyone starts in the same place: With a desire to try yoga - without expectations and commitment. After each training session, you have the opportunity to receive tailored guidance from one of the skilled supervisors associated with the beginner's course: Charlotte, Natalia and Morten.


  • Access to weekly classes (minimum 12) in a closed forum, personal guidance and events

  • Welcome gift with exclusive 5-tour clip card for use in YOGA HUSET

  • Community and training partners

  • Access to a private FB group where you can share tips, recipes, inspiration and ask questions etc.

  • 10% in The Yoga Shop

  • Joint opening and closing event

  • Free registration if you subsequently join YOGA HUSET


  • The breath and how it can help you – not only for better and more efficient training, but also a long and healthy life

  • Which principles are important when we do the physical positions, how do you do them as best as possible, and how are the positions best adapted to the body, any defects and challenges you have with you

  • What is yoga, the philosophy behind the ancient holistic training

  • How to decide on a yoga schedule, what is Hot yoga and Hammock Yoga and what type of class is best for you

  • How to get the most out of your training, what gear, equipment and clothes you should get – and where you can skip

You get all this foronly DKK 1,289

New dates 2023

D. 22 August - 2 December

31 Dec. - 1. April SUNSHINEGT

11 April - 11 June SUNSHINEGT

22 August - 2 December


  • Saturdays 12:30-14:00 (Hot Yoga Basic/Aerial Hammock Yoga)

  • Tuesdays 16:30-18:00 (including programming/guidance)

  • Thursdays 19:30-21:00 (including programming/guidance)

It all takes place in YOGA HUSET, Strandvejen 19, and the first time there is of course a tour of the fantastic facilities. Before the start, you will receive thorough guidance on finding your way around, parking (bicycles and car), catering and clothing etc. Various equipment can be borrowed at the address.


REGISTRATION: Intro Course (Yoga for Dummies) | FOCUS Public information (

NB! This process follows the Danish Health Authority's new recommendations regarding strength training

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UNLIMITED Efterårsferie forkælelse m./ Josephine Wiis

Yin Immersion 20 hour Urban Retreat

- The Yin part of the Power yoga training 2023

We repeat the success and again offer the opportunity to participate in one of our 3 "Teacher Training Taster" weekends.

With our Yin modules, you have the opportunity to try out whether the yoga training is for you; and at the same time you get 20 hours of experience and immersion in the Yin energy, calmness and presence.

The lessons are always from 8-18, and to give a realistic experience of what this kind of intensity does to body and mind, we have created the opportunity for you to get a feel for what we offer and what is required. ​

Read more about Yin Immersion and our education here


UNLIMITED Efterårsferie forkælelse m./ Josephine Wiis

Yin Immersion 20 hour Urban Retreat

- The Yin part of the Power yoga training 2023

We repeat the success and again offer the opportunity to participate in one of our 3 "Teacher Training Taster" weekends.

With our Yin modules, you have the opportunity to try out whether the yoga training is for you; and at the same time you get 20 hours of experience and immersion in the Yin energy, calmness and presence.

The lessons are always from 8-18, and to give a realistic experience of what this kind of intensity does to body and mind, we have created the opportunity for you to get a feel for what we offer and what is required. ​

Read more about Yin Immersion and our education here


UNLIMITED Efterårsferie forkælelse m./ Josephine Wiis

Yin Immersion 20 hour Urban Retreat

- The Yin part of the Power yoga training 2023

We repeat the success and again offer the opportunity to participate in one of our 3 "Teacher Training Taster" weekends.

With our Yin modules, you have the opportunity to try out whether the yoga training is for you; and at the same time you get 20 hours of experience and immersion in the Yin energy, calmness and presence.

The lessons are always from 8-18, and to give a realistic experience of what this kind of intensity does to body and mind, we have created the opportunity for you to get a feel for what we offer and what is required. ​

Read more about Yin Immersion and our education here


Get a strong start to your yoga training withone 3-MONTH COURSE

Many have an ambition to start yoga - but there can be lots of stumbling blocks on the way. Maybe you're wondering if you want to be the only one on the team who can't reach your toes (NO), maybe you'd rather not train alone and maybe you just don't know where or how to get started.

After numerous requests, we have therefore created a course where you can get a safe introduction to the whole wonderful world of yoga in a spacious setting. A skilled and competent team guides you through so that you get a handle on the technique and the foundation.

We have put together a course with closed groups, so that everyone starts in the same place: With a desire to try yoga - without expectations and commitment. After each training session, you have the opportunity to receive tailored guidance from one of the skilled supervisors associated with the beginner's course: Charlotte, Natalia and Morten.


  • Access to weekly classes (minimum 12) in a closed forum, personal guidance and events

  • Welcome gift with exclusive 5-tour clip card for use in YOGA HUSET

  • Community and training partners

  • Access to a private FB group where you can share tips, recipes, inspiration and ask questions etc.

  • 10% in The Yoga Shop

  • Joint opening and closing event

  • Free registration if you subsequently join YOGA HUSET


  • The breath and how it can help you – not only for better and more efficient training, but also a long and healthy life

  • Which principles are important when we do the physical positions, how do you do them as best as possible, and how are the positions best adapted to the body, any defects and challenges you have with you

  • What is yoga, the philosophy behind the ancient holistic training

  • How to decide on a yoga schedule, what is Hot yoga and Hammock Yoga and what type of class is best for you

  • How to get the most out of your training, what gear, equipment and clothes you should get – and where you can skip

You get all this foronly DKK 1,289

New dates 2023

D. 22 August - 2 December

31 Dec. - 1. April SUNSHINEGT

11 April - 11 June SUNSHINEGT

22 August - 2 December


  • Saturdays 12:30-14:00 (Hot Yoga Basic/Aerial Hammock Yoga)

  • Tuesdays 16:30-18:00 (including programming/guidance)

  • Thursdays 19:30-21:00 (including programming/guidance)

It all takes place in YOGA HUSET, Strandvejen 19, and the first time there is of course a tour of the fantastic facilities. Before the start, you will receive thorough guidance on finding your way around, parking (bicycles and car), catering and clothing etc. Various equipment can be borrowed at the address.


REGISTRATION: Intro Course (Yoga for Dummies) | FOCUS Public information (

NB! This process follows the Danish Health Authority's new recommendations regarding strength training


This page is consistently updated with current workshops og events. 

Experiencing any issues signing up/finding what you are looking for? Get in contact  via

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